Developing OGC Compliant Web Applications with GeoExt の
3.2. Editing Features and Their Attributes(を参考に WFS レイヤのフィーチャと属性を編集できるようにします。
items.push({ xtype: "editorgrid", // 修正 ref: "featureGrid", title: "Feature Table", region: "south", height: 150, sm: new GeoExt.grid.FeatureSelectionModel(),
store: new{ fields: [ {name: "gid", type: "int"}, {name: "id", type: "string"}, {name: "orggilvl", type: "string"}, {name: "orgmdid", type: "string"}, {name: "category", type: "string"}, {name: "flag", type: "string"}, {name: "type", type: "string"}, {name: "name", type: "string"}, {name: "code", type: "string"} ],
proxy: new{ protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({ url: "/geoserver/ows", version: "1.1.0", featureType: "akiruno_kukaku", featureNS: "", srsName: "EPSG:2451" }), }) autoLoad: true }),
columns: [ {header: "gid", dataIndex: "gid"}, {header: "id", dataIndex: "id", editor: {xtype: "textfield"}}, // editor: {xtype: "textfield"} 追加 {header: "orggilvl", dataIndex: "orggilvl", editor: {xtype: "textfield"}}, {header: "orgmdid", dataIndex: "orgmdid", editor: {xtype: "textfield"}}, {header: "category", dataIndex: "category", editor: {xtype: "textfield"}}, {header: "flag", dataIndex: "flag", editor: {xtype: "textfield"}}, {header: "type", dataIndex: "type", editor: {xtype: "textfield"}}, {header: "name", dataIndex: "name", editor: {xtype: "textfield"}}, {header: "code", dataIndex: "code", editor: {xtype: "textfield"}} ], bbar: [] });
var vectorLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Editable features");
Ext.onReady(function() {;; app.featureGrid.getSelectionModel().bind(vectorLayer); });
// コントロールの追加 var modifyControl = new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature( vectorLayer, {autoActivate: true} ); var drawControl = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature( vectorLayer, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon, {handlerOptions: {multi: true}} ); controls.push(modifyControl, drawControl);
// グリッドが1行だけ選択されていることを確認 Ext.onReady(function() { var sm = app.featureGrid.getSelectionModel(); sm.unbind(); sm.bind(modifyControl.selectControl); sm.on("beforerowselect", function() { sm.clearSelections(); }); });
// "Delete" と "Create" ボタン追加 Ext.onReady(function() { var bbar = app.featureGrid.getBottomToolbar(); bbar.add([{ text: "Delete", handler: function() { app.featureGrid.getSelectionModel().each(function(rec) { var feature = rec.getFeature(); modifyControl.unselectFeature(feature); vectorLayer.removeFeatures([feature]); }); }
}, new GeoExt.Action({ control: drawControl, text: "Create", enableToggle: true })]); bbar.doLayout(); });
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