3.1. Creating a Synchronized Grid and Map View of WFS Features(http://workshops.boundlessgeo.com/geoext/wfs/grid.html)の「Bonus Task」をコピーして貼り付け、一部を修正します。
// ここから追加 var rawAttributeData; var read = OpenLayers.Format.WFSDescribeFeatureType.prototype.read; OpenLayers.Format.WFSDescribeFeatureType.prototype.read = function() { rawAttributeData = read.apply(this, arguments); return rawAttributeData; };
function reconfigure(store, url) { var fields = [], columns = [], geometryName, geometryType; // regular expression to detect the geometry column var geomRegex = /gml:(Multi)?(Point|Line|Polygon|Surface|Geometry).*/; var types = { // mapping of xml schema data types to Ext JS data types "xsd:int": "int", "xsd:short": "int", "xsd:long": "int", "xsd:string": "string", "xsd:dateTime": "string", "xsd:double": "float", "xsd:decimal": "float", // mapping of geometry types "Line": "Path", "Surface": "Polygon" };
store.each(function(rec) { var type = rec.get("type"); var name = rec.get("name"); var match = geomRegex.exec(type); if (match) { // we found the geometry column geometryName = name; } else { // we have an attribute column fields.push({ name: name, type: types[type] });
columns.push({ xtype: types[type] == "string" ? "gridcolumn" : "numbercolumn", dataIndex: name, header: name }); } });
app.featureGrid.reconfigure(new GeoExt.data.FeatureStore({ autoLoad: true, proxy: new GeoExt.data.ProtocolProxy({ protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({ url: url, version: "1.1.0", featureType: rawAttributeData.featureTypes[0].typeName, featureNS: rawAttributeData.targetNamespace, // srsName: "EPSG:4326", srsName: "EPSG:2451", geometryName: geometryName, maxFeatures: 250 }) }), fields: fields }), new Ext.grid.ColumnModel(columns)); app.featureGrid.store.bind(vectorLayer); app.featureGrid.getSelectionModel().bind(vectorLayer); }
function setLayer(model, node) { if(!node || node.layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Vector) { return; } vectorLayer.removeAllFeatures(); app.featureGrid.reconfigure( new Ext.data.Store(), new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([]) ); var layer = node.layer; var url = layer.url.split("?")[0]; // the base url without params
var schema = new GeoExt.data.AttributeStore({ url: url, // request specific params baseParams: { "SERVICE": "WFS", "REQUEST": "DescribeFeatureType", "VERSION": "1.1.0", "TYPENAME": layer.params.LAYERS }, autoLoad: true, listeners: { "load": function(store) { app.featureGrid.setTitle(layer.name); reconfigure(store, url); } } }); }
Ext.onReady(function() { app.tree.getSelectionModel().on( "selectionchange", setLayer ); }); // ここまで</script>
nippon_bmi=> ALTER TABLE akiruno_polygon RENAME name to term; ALTER TABLE nippon_bmi=> ALTER TABLE akiruno_line RENAME name to term; ALTER TABLE nippon_bmi=> ALTER TABLE akiruno_point RENAME name to term; ALTER TABLE
GeoServer で akiruno_polygon akiruno_line akiruno_point レイヤの「Feature Type Details」を確認します。表示されないときは「Reload feature type」をクリックします。
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