Developing OGC Compliant Web Applications with GeoExt の
2.4. Explore Map Features with a WMS GetFeatureInfo Popup(を参考に WMS レイヤの属性をポップアップ表示します。
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="GeoExt/resources/css/geoext-all-debug.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="GeoExt/resources/css/popup.css"><!-- 追加 --> <script type="text/javascript" src="GeoExt/lib/GeoExt.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?url="; // 追加---
// ここから追加
items.push({ xtype: "gx_legendpanel", region: "east", width: 200, autoScroll: true, padding: 5 });
controls.push(new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({ autoActivate: true, infoFormat: "application/vnd.ogc.gml", maxFeatures: 3, eventListeners: { "getfeatureinfo": function(e) { var items = []; Ext.each(e.features, function(feature) { items.push({ xtype: "propertygrid", title: feature.fid, source: feature.attributes }); });
new GeoExt.Popup({ title: "Feature Info", width: 200, height: 200, layout: "accordion", map: app.mapPanel, location: e.xy, items: items }).show(); } } }));
// ここまで
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